
How Much Does It Cost To Get A Snapchat Geotag

How Much Does A Snapchat Geofilter Cost?

Xavier Major

Alright, we get this question all the time, "how much does a snapchat geofilter cost?". The answer is two fold and has some variables.

Here is the short answer:

Cost To Design: $5-$1000 per geofilter

Cost To Run Filter: Depends on Location, Size of Area, Popularity of Location, Length of Filter Run Time

Here is the longer Answer:

You have to get your snapchat geofilter designed unless you have design skills. The prices I have seen on the market right now is $5 for a cheap paint style filter on fiverr. On the high end some companies are charging a hefty $1000 per geofilter.

You ca n get your snapchat filter here:

You should find a designer that charges a reasonable price and allows you to make revisions or changes to your design. The finished product is what will be used on snapchat so you don't want to have a pixelated or poor design for your event or business. Snapchat geofilters are like the new age billboards even with Instagram trying to rip off Snapchat interface.

It's also important that the design is the right dimensions here is what snapchat has to say about making sure your filter meets the qualifications:

Create an image on a 1080 by 1920 pixel large file with a transparent background, or use one of the templates we provide here.

Create your Geofilter design. Remember to leave enough free space available so Snapchatters can still see their image content behind the design. (We suggest you only use the top or bottom 25% of the screen — remember Snapchatters want to see themselves in a selfie!)

-Courtesy of Snapchat

Once your design is completed, approved and ready to go now you find out how much your snapchat geofilter cost. As mentioned before there are tons of variables when it comes to the pricing of your snapchat geofilter.

On the Snapchat website they say that pricing is effected by the size of the geofence you pick and the duration of the geofilter. This is true as you change the size of your geofence the pricing reflects those changes.

The next factor is popularity, where more populated areas or popular areas cost more than not so popular areas. The reason for this is impressions. You are likely to receive more impressions with a snapchat filter in New York, New York than you would in Abilene, Texas.

Lastly, the length of time you run the geofilter will determine the overall cost as well as the other factors mentioned above.

Hopefully, this will help lay to rest the lingering question of "how much does a snapchat geofilter cost?". The answer is it depends on who designs your filter and where you decide to run your geofilter.

You can estimate spending at least $85 on design and another $25–50 running the filter so roughly $150 from start to finish.

Let us know any questions you have below in the comments section!

P.S If you haven't gotten your snapchat geofilter you can get one here:

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Snapchat Geotag


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