
How To Create A Pinterest Account For Your Blog


So you've grown your business from a hobby that took a couple of hours on the weekend into a full-time gig. And what's more, you've done it all using nothing more than a free Pinterest account as your marketing and sales platform.


But now you've reached a tipping point.

It's time to decide whether to keep going at your current growth level or increase your rate of growth and hire your first employee.

Or maybe you're just fine-tuning your business to increase profitability—you've identified the products with the greatest ROI, and you want to focus on growing that segment.

Either way, learning to leverage Pinterest to maximum effect will be crucial to your success (of course, you should also expand to other platforms, but since you're already familiar with Pinterest, let's start where you already have working knowledge).

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Why Pinterest

Pinterest doesn't get as much love as other social media platforms, but with 250 million monthly active users, it should. Not only does it have a 40% penetration rate, like Facebook and Instagram, Pinterest cuts across a wide age demographic of users.


Number of Pinterest Users in the U.S. by Age Group - Source: Statista

Pinterest also has significant adoption among households of all income brackets, and actually outperforms Instagram in every bracket.


Percentage of U.S. Pinterest Users by Annual Household Income - Source: Statista

So how can you use these statistics to generate brand awareness and increase sales? Simple!

Through promoted pins.

What Are Promoted Pins and How Do They Work?

What I love about promoted pins is that they aren't disruptive.

Unlike Facebook ads that interrupt your feed when you're browsing friends' pictures or Instagram ads that try to convert you to a sale when you're more interested in sports blooper videos, Pinterest ads are native and show up where and when consumers are browsing for ideas and products.

In fact, the only difference between a promoted pin and a regular pin is the promoted pin is viewed by more people.

According to Pinterest, 73% of users report that "content from brands makes Pinterest more useful," and 63% have made a purchase after viewing business content. Often, users save promoted pins from businesses on their boards, resulting in more views from their followers, and turning them into brand advocates for you whether or not they have even made a purchase.

Pinterest promoted pins offers marketing solutions with three primary goals: build awareness, drive consideration, and grow your sales. In addition to standard images, Pinterest also allows videos between four seconds and thirty minutes long. If your company has the capacity, creating videos that highlight your products, showcase the design and production process, provide insights into uses, or show user reviews can lead to greater shares and clickthrough rates.

According to a study by Millward Brown Digital, Pinterest can help you in four key areas: awareness, favorability, perception, and purchase intent. For example, L'Oreal saw an 18% increase in brand awareness after they started promoting one of their products on Pinterest. And Walgreens increased brand favorability among Millennial shoppers by 15% when they began advertising on Pinterest. In other words, it's not just small businesses and sole proprietorships that are benefitting from promoted pins.

Getting started is easy. Generally speaking, there are two ways to promote pins: You can promote a single pin, or create an ad campaign. Both can be set up in just a few minutes once you get the hang of it.

Promote a Single Pin

To promote a single pin, first sign into your account. On your main page, simply hover your pointer over a pin, and click "promote."


From there, a simple pop up box will appear:


Choose the destination URL you'd like your promoted pin to go to, your daily budget (the maximum amount you will pay Pinterest per day—note, this limits the number of people your pin will be exposed to), set the duration of your campaign (2 weeks is a good length for a test campaign), and add keywords that your target audience is using to find your products.


Once you fill out a few keywords, you can click "Promote," but don't get too excited when you do, as you'll still have to fill out some basic contact information if this is your first promoted pin.


Once you enter your contact information, check the terms of service, and again hit continue.


Now it's time to enter your billing information. Don't give up here. If you're serious about growing your business, take the plunge and start promoting pins! (I say this because this is where many small business owners waver and decide to come back later… only to never come back. Just do it. The investment is small, and the potential payoff is significant).


After your billing information is entered, you'll see a quick page which reminds you that you won't have to fill out that page again, and then it's off to the races!



Create an Ad Campaign

To create an ad campaign of promoted pins, first sign into your account and click "Ads" then "Create ad" in the upper left-hand corner.


Next, choose the type of campaign you'd like to create.


I'm choosing Traffic campaigns, so here's the next page:


(Here's the continuation of that page if you scroll down).


You can see I've filled it out for a test campaign with a $25 daily spend limit that will max out at $250, or in about two weeks. If you're a small business, that amount shouldn't break the bank and should be long enough that you can begin to see results.

(Note: If you get the "Something went wrong" error message, make sure your popup blocker is turned off, and refresh the page).

Now it's time to narrow down the audience. The next few screenshots are what you will see as you click continue and scroll down the next page.


For this test example, I'm imagining that I own a business that sells conference tables made from reclaimed wood, and my target clients live in California.

I've chosen all genders, and five cities within the United States, which limits my audience size to between 7.76 million and 10.5 million consumers. Note: to pick specific locations, click the small black triangle next to the country you are interested in, and you will see city options. For some reason, the cities are not alphabetical, and I had to scroll down pretty far to get to Los Angeles, Palm Springs, and San Francisco.


After choosing cities (or countries, if you really want to hit the mass market and don't have a reason to geo-target consumers), keep scrolling to select languages, devices, and placement (do you want promoted pins to appear in searches, when users are browsing, or both? Both is the recommended choice).


Continuing to scroll down, I've chosen a few interests for my target customers, including design, event planning, and men's fashion, as my ideal target for this campaign is a high-end consumer. If your business is making money, you should have a clear sense of who your clients are, and you want to use this section to really hone in on them to ensure that you are not paying for views by individuals outside this demographic.


Next, choose your keywords. Start with words and phrases directly related to your products, and then get creative. How are people using your products? What keywords and key phrases are people using to find your site (check Google analytics to see this, if you haven't already). Pinterest recommends at least 25 keywords and makes it easy to extend the list much further. Again, the goal is to be as specific as possible, while at the same time capturing the search terms your target customer is using to find your products.


You may also benefit from tools like Keywords Everywhere, which is a browser add-on that shows search frequency results when you use Google. You can experiment with words and phrases to see how many people are using them.

The last step before hitting Continue is to set your budget and schedule. I'm reiterating that I want to spend no more than $25 per day, and this time I am setting the dates. Since I want to appeal primarily to office managers, purchasers, and business owners, I'm setting the parameters for about two weeks, starting on a Monday. As for clicks per bid, it's best to let Pinterest set the recommended amount unless you have a sophisticated understanding of how to bid for keywords.


Now click continue, and you should be able to choose from your existing pins to create your ad campaign.


(Note, if no pins show up, but you are confident you have public pins in your account, try clearing your cookies or using another browser. This happened to me, and opening up my account in a different browser/clearing the cache solved the problem).

From here, you'll get to a page where you can name each ad and ensure that it goes to the correct URL.


Then hit launch, and your campaign will be live!


See, it wasn't hard, was it?

If you've been following along step by step, you should have a live ad campaign on Pinterest now that is pushing your selected pins in front of a target audience.

With just a small budget, you can test to see if you have your audience defined correctly and if you're promoting the right offer. If you sell multiple products, you can experiment with promoting different pins, and promoting different products to different audiences.

The possibilities are endless, and I always go back to the four P's of marketing: Product, Price, Placement, and Promotion.

By adjusting these variables, you're sure to increase sales on Pinterest, even if you don't expand to other platforms. Oh, and by the way—if you need additional help, Pinterest has a dedicated sales team that can help you design campaigns and promote your products. Or, you can always reach out to us.

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How To Create A Pinterest Account For Your Blog


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