Retail giants Carrefour and Nestlé are now using IBM's Food Trust blockchain platform to track the supply chain of milk-based formula for infants, co-ordinate to a Nov. 14 announcement.

By using the platform, the firms aim to advance consumer confidence in the products' quality by ensuring more than transparency of the unabridged supply concatenation of formulas produced by Laboratoires Guigoz. The system aims to meliorate supply chain transparency and conduct checks of baby nutrition products' origins.

Implementation of blockchain-based tracking systems past retail giants

Both Carrefour and Nestlé are non new to the application of blockchain in their internal processes. The companies began using IBM's blockchain technology in April in guild to track the supply concatenation of Mousline, a well-known make of instant mashed potatoes.

Also this spring, Carrefour rolled out a blockchain-powered product, Carrefour Quality Line micro-filtered full-fat milk.

Carrefour reported an increase in sales later a number of blockchain implementations that tracked the supply chains of a range of different products including meat, milk and fruit. The increased traceability purportedly allowed customers to avoid products that contained genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, and pesticides.

Blockchain addresses fraud in supply bondage

Blockchain engineering has proven to be a boon for the logistics manufacture and has applications in many different areas of supply concatenation management. As previously reported in a dedicated assay, blockchain solves the problem of bookkeeping fraud in supply chains by creating blocks of records that cannot be contradistinct.