
How To Close Tac Force Knife

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Pocket knives are useful tools for making cuts on the go. Knives come in a variety of styles with unlike locking mechanisms to proceed the blades secure. No thing what mode knife you're using, information technology can easily be closed and stored safely back where it belongs in your pocket.

  1. 1

    Hold the knife by the sides of the hilt. Make certain your fingers aren't over the slot where the blade of the pocketknife volition go. Utilise a firm grip with the base of operations of your palm and your thumb on one side and the pads of your fingers on the other.[1]

    • Always point the bract away from your torso. That way if your hand slips, the blade will fall abroad from you.
  2. 2

    Grip the dorsum of the bract with your ascendant mitt. Hold the wearisome side of the blade between your thumb and your fingers. Many knives accept a ridge along the top of the blade to give yourself a better grip.[ii]

    • Keep your fingers firmly help on the blade so y'all don't slip and cut yourself.


  3. 3

    Button the pocketknife into the slot slowly. Make sure the abrupt border of the blade is secured in the slot completely. Once the pocketknife is airtight, the bract should non open on its ain.[3]

    • Work with two hands until yous're comfy opening and closing your knife. Subsequently you feel confident handling the knife, you tin can practice closing your knife with one hand.
    • Button the back of the blade against a solid surface to close it without using your fingers.
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  1. one

    Notice the role of liner or frame behind the bract on the underside of the hilt. Liner and frame locks move a portion of the outer or inner lining behind the bract to secure the pocketknife in place. Expect for a small saw-toothed portion directly backside the bract.[4]

    • Liner locks use a portion of the interior lining to keep the bract in place while frame locks utilize a portion of the knife's outer casing.[5]
  2. 2

    Push the liner or frame away from the blade with your thumb. Concur the blade and so the sharp side faces up. Move the locking machinery and so it isn't in contact with the blade. The knife will feel like information technology has less tension one time you release the lock.[6]

    • Holding the knife upside down prevents the blade from falling onto your thumb when you move the locking machinery.
  3. 3

    Move your thumb before you close the pocketknife with your dominant hand. Agree the blade with your other hand as you move your thumb. Make sure the blade is fully in the slot.[vii]

    • Frame and liner locks practice not hold the blade airtight, and so employ caution when you're conveying or handling them.
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  1. one

    Hold the knife on the top of the hilt with your ascendant hand. Make sure the bottoms of your fingers aren't wrapped around the hilt or yous could cut yourself while closing it. Button lock knives can easily be operated with 1 hand, though you may want to exercise closing it with 2 hands beginning.[viii]

  2. 2

    Depress the push on the hilt with your thumb. The button lock tin can be found on the hilt near the base of the blade. Depending on the make and manner of pocketknife, the button may appear dissimilar, but it usually looks similar a pocket-sized cylinder coming out of the surface of the knife. Press down on the button to undo the lock.[nine]

    • If you accept trouble pressing the button, look at the inside of the locking mechanism to run into if there's any buildup. Blow it away with your breath or utilize a small wire to clear the debris from the within.
  3. 3

    Utilise your non-dominant hand to push button the blade closed. Once the button is pressed, the blade volition feel loose and can easily exist moved dorsum into place. Make sure your fingers are away from the slot as you secure the blade. Near button locks will hold the blade tight unless it is pressed again.[ten]

    • Check the transmission for your blade to determine if the lock holds the pocketknife in its casing.
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  1. 1

    Pull the pin on the side of the hilt towards you lot with your thumb. The pin on the side of the pocketknife will be continued to a U-shaped tension wire known as an omega spring. Hold the pocketknife so information technology is parallel with the footing and pull the pin back to unlock the bract from its place.[xi]

  2. 2

    Push the blade back with your other hand. Keep the pin pulled back equally you move the bract to the closed position. Make sure your fingers aren't on the bottom of the hilt or else you lot will get cutting.[12]

    • Keep your fingers on the tiresome side of the bract while working with the knife.
  3. 3

    Release the pin to secure the blade. Once the blade is in the hilt, let become of the pin to put tension back on the knife. The centrality lock holds the bract safely open or closed unless it is pulled back again.[13]

    • Y'all can pull the knife open by the bract, but the tension from the omega springs will get in more difficult.
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  • Question

    Bar lock is also difficult to depress on my Barlow pocket knife, making if impossible to shut the blade past hand but. Any ideas?

    Tom De Backer

    Tom De Backer

    Top Answerer

    Encounter if you can find any visible blockages of the bar lock. If possible, try taking the pocketknife apart to clean and maintain it, and perhaps that will show the blockage. Perchance the knife just needs some oiling. If that'due south the example, again, make very sure no fingers are in the mode, because information technology will close much smoother than yous may be used to, putting your fingers at hazard. Finally, if none of these work, take it to a pocketknife shop.

  • Question

    How do you close a pocket knife without a lock?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Community Answer

    It'southward really much easier than you may call back to shut a knife without a lock. Start by belongings the pocketknife safely. Make certain your fingers aren't over the slot where the blade of the pocketknife volition get. Use a firm grip with the base of your palm and your pollex on one side and the pads of your fingers on the other. Then, concur the dull side of the blade with your thumb and fingers and slowly push the knife into the slot and make sure the precipitous edge of the blade is secured in the slot completely. If you don't want to use your fingers, yous can push button the dorsum of the bract confronting a solid surface to shut it. That's it!

  • Question

    How can I close a pocket knife with a button lock?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Community Answer

    Some pocket knives apply a button lock mechanism that keeps the bract open and locked into place, but they're actually pretty simple to close. Grip the knife on the peak part of the hilt with your ascendant hand. Make certain the bottoms of your fingers aren't wrapped effectually the hilt or you could cut yourself while endmost it. Then, press down on the push and hold it down. If the button is hard to push down, check inside the locking mechanism to see if there's a gunky buildup. If there is, endeavor to accident it clear with your breath or use a small wire to clear it out. With the button held down, use your other hand to push button the bract closed. Many button lock knives will hold the bract tight in identify until it's pressed again, just make sure the blade isn't loose or will swing open up on its ain. Whenever you desire to open the pocketknife back up, simply press the push button and pull the bract open.

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  • Watch your fingers and then they aren't in the bract's path when yous close the knife.

  • Hold knives and so the blades are pointed abroad from your trunk.


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