
The Dynamic Remarketing Tag Collects

Remarketing is a powerful feature which allows you to sell to people who have already visited your site and are interested in your products.

Using adwords dynamic remarketing, you can take this a step further and advertise visitors the actual product they were interested in. Allowing you to customize your message based on the product they viewed or added to cart or even purchased (think complimentary products to upsell!!).

To do this sort of remarketing we need to collect a bit more structured data. This requires placing special tags on each of your pages. It requires you to link Google Merchant Centre Account with Adwords. Details. The below post details how technical implementation can be done using google tag manager.

Step 1: Add Tags to all your site pages

For Dynamic Tagging we need to tag each page on the site with tags. The tag will be built by building a js object. It needs to be added as early on the page as possible preferably right after opening body.

                <                script                >                var                google_tag_params                =                {                'ecomm_pagetype':                'purchase',                       'ecomm_pcat': ['electronics',                'books'],                   'ecomm_prodid': ['123A',                'H456'],                      'ecomm_pname': ['Nexus','Router'],                    'ecomm_pvalue': [99,                19.99],                      'ecomm_totalvalue':                '118.99'                 };                <                /script>              

The ecomm_pagetype key is required and needs to be set for each page.

The value for pagetype can be home, searchresults, category, product, cart, purchase, other

All other fields can be set as needed and if not available can be left as blank quotes "


On the homepage

just set pagetype and leave other keys blank.

                'ecomm_pagetype':                'home'              


On Category page set

                'ecomm_pagetype':                'category',                'ecomm_pcat': ['electronics']              


On Product page set

                'ecomm_pagetype':                'product',                 'ecomm_pcat': ['electronics'],                 'ecomm_prodid': ['123A'],                 'ecomm_pname': ['Nexus'],              


Cart Page

Pass values for all items in the cart

                'ecomm_pagetype':                'cart',                'ecomm_prodid': ['123A',                'H456'],                 'ecomm_pname': ['Nexus','Book'],                 'ecomm_pcat': ['electronics',                'books'],                 'ecomm_pvalue': [599,                19.99],                 'ecomm_totalvalue':                '118.99'              



On order confirmation page add

                'ecomm_pagetype':                'purchase',                 'ecomm_pcat': ['electronics',                'books'],                 'ecomm_prodid': ['123A',                'H456'],                 'ecomm_pname': ['Nexus','Router'],                 'ecomm_pvalue': [99,                19.99],                 'ecomm_totalvalue':                '118.99'              


All other pages set

                'ecomm_pagetype':                'other'              


Below the tags we would add dataLayer which sends the data to Google Tag Manager. End result would look something like this for a product page

                <!--                Dynamic                remarketing                tag                should                always                be                above                dataLayer.push                -->                <                script                >                var                google_tag_params                =                {                'ecomm_pagetype':                'product',                  'ecomm_pcat': ['electronics'],                  'ecomm_prodid': ['123A'],                   'ecomm_pname': ['Nexus']     };              

Standard code for container on everypage

                <                script                >                dataLayer                =                [];                <                /script>                <                script                >                YOUR                GTM                container                code                <                /script>              

Send data to gtm via dataLayer.push

                <                script                >                dataLayer.push                ({                'event':'remarketingTriggered',                'google_tag_params':                window.google_tag_params                });                <                /script>              

Step 2: Google Tag Manager setup

Next step is to setup remarketing tag in GTM and specify rules and macros to trigger them.


Create a new tag in your GTM container. In the next step select Adwords Remarketing as the tag type.

Go to your adwords account and create a new remarketing tag.  Here is how to create a remarketing tag.

From the tag get your Conversion ID and Conversion Label.

 conversion id & conversion label
conversion id & conversion label


Next we need to tell the tag where to get the product information we have specified on the page. To do this we'll create a macro. In custom parameter section select 'Use Data Layer Variable'.

In Data Layer Variable select new macro. On the popup select Macro Type: Data Layer Variable. Name the macro google_tag_params and use Data Layer Variable Name google_tag_params

 Datalayer variable name
Datalayer variable name

End result will look something like this:

 adwords dynamic remarketing tag
adwords dynamic remarketing tag


Now we need a rule to tell gtm when to trigger the tag. Click Add Rule to Fire Tag. On popup select Create new rule.

Since we have added the tags to every page Specify a rule that fires the tag on all pages of your domain. Create a rule with {{event}} contains remarketingTriggered And save the rule.


Now just save the tag , create a new version of container and publish it and you'll be done.  Get cracking with creating new tailored ads for your customers and see your sales go up :).

This should help you get started. Let us know how it goes in the comments.


Adwords Offline Conversion Tracking


KISSmetrics track visits to each domain separately

The Dynamic Remarketing Tag Collects


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