
How To Use Flipboard For Blog Traffic

#Bloggers can get massive #blog traffic from FlipboardDo you ever check to see which keywords bring you search engine traffic?

As my recent article about Alexa explained, I check constantly.

According to, 15% of my traffic goes to an article about Flipboard I wrote almost two years ago.

To this day, How to Get Swarms of Free Traffic With Flipboard, continues to get a barrage of page views.

What is all the interest in and how can you get mega traffic from this popular content curation site?

This post will offer testimonials and anecdotal evidence that Flipboard does result in massive blog traffic.

Your days of frustration over a lack of traffic to your website are over.

By the end of this article, you, too, will be able to reap the benefits of and get mega traffic from the site.

What is Flipboard?

Simply put, Flipboard is a popular content curation site.  Instead of keeping your favorites on a bulletin board at Pinterest or on lists over at StumbleUpon, you can keep your favorite content in your own personal magazine.

Don't take my word for it that Flipboard is popular. The numbers speak for themselves. Flipboard has over 90 million users.

Testimonials and Anecdotal Evidence:

The Power of Flipboard

Flipboard's ability to elevate your page views so dramatically your post could go viral is illustrated in the following situation that happened to me late last year.

Testimonial #1Something remarkable happened while I was routinely networking in December. I approached a new blogger letting her know that I had a blogging tips site that could possibly help her on her blogging journey.

She had never received more than 200 page views in a day before.

This was my correspondence with her:

I met you at a Meet and Greet. I came to meet and greet you. I'm Janice. I offer blogging tips to bloggers. For example, I recently wrote how to get 842 page views to your blog in less than 1 day. May I leave a link?
Maybe you can check out my blog if you need a blogging tip or two.
In response to what you wrote, It's wonderful you provide support for MS patients here.
Nice to meet you

She replied and subsequently wrote in her blog post in which she also described our online encounter:

I have to admit I scanned the article but what did stand out is choosing an ODD NUMBER  for your blog fact. My highest blog day prior to this was 229 when I wrote about my dogs

I flipped it onto Flipboard and people love animals.  Every now and then I get tired of moaning about MS so I didn't want to blog about it yesterday. I was going to blog about my dogs again but figured I'd have that high traffic post for December instead of November again, who knew???

When I wrote the vegan post the 57 health reasons stuck in my head because of the blog Janice sent me above, the ODD NUMBER. I NEVER expected 2,216.  I must say it was exciting to watch… In case you don't know Flipboard, I explained it below. It's free, it's simple, and another way to reach people.

Source: My Blog Got 2,216 Hits Yesterday Thanks to Flipboard 

Testimonial #2Unlike Pinterest, which could take years to work,'s effectiveness is quickly seen. Consider this comment from a new user:

I haven't been on Flipboard that long but it's in the top 5 in my referral traffic.

Testimonial #3From Leanne at Cresting the Hill:

Just thought I'd let you know that my blog post views have skyrocketed this week and it seems to be coming from Flipboard – which has never happened before. Just shows that perseverance can pay off 🙂 from Leanne

As the second screenshot shows, Leanne received between 5,487 and 17,021 page views between July 11 and July 27. As the first screenshot shows, those page views were coming from Flipboard.

Leanne explained what she did that might have accounted for her mega traffic:

I just put my own [Flipboard social share button] on and if I see anyone else with the red "F" on their social share buttons, I'll hit that. I've had thousands of views suddenly this month – and have done nothing different.

Bottom line, like at every and any social media site these days, give to others and you will receive in return. The philosophy "Give unto others" applies to social media.

Testimonial #4 From Ileane Smith at Basic Blog Tips:

Flipboard is another great source for content curation which can also send traffic to your blog. You can set up your own Flipboards based on topics or whatever criteria you want to you. Then you would use the search box at the top of the page and enter your blog's URL. Next, you would just start flipping your own articles onto your Flipboard. Check out their tutorials here

Testimonial #5Harsh Agrawal explained he received 3,862 page views from in just one day.

Testimonial #6 Jo, from the WanderWithJo blog, reports receiving 7,000 page views from the site in just one day as well.

How to Get Traffic From Flipboard

In addition to having amazing traffic-generating potential, Flipboard is user-friendly. There are only four easy steps to using the site.


Step 1: Go to, make an account. You can sign in with your account information for other social media sites.

After making an account, state your interests. In the future, after logging in, you will see articles about these topics. Should you want to add more interests at a later date, click the search bar. A menu of additional interests you can select will appear.

Step 2: Make a magazine by clicking your picture in the top left corner of the screen and then clicking "New Magazine." Describe the magazine using words flippers might be looking for when they research articles they might want to read.

Step 3: Add stories to your magazine by clicking the + sign when you hover your mouse over a story's  photo that you find interesting.

I am interested in the topic "blogging," so when I found this article, written by Adam Connell, in Krystina Elyse Butke's magazine, I added it to my magazine by clicking the plus sign. Notice the word "flip" came up.

You can "like" the story by clicking the heart. You can also share the story or comment on it.

Step 4: Read the content in the magazine you've curated. On a desktop, just scroll down.  On a phone, flip the pages.  On a tablet, you will be able to turn the pages.


As the blogger who offered Testimonial #3 suggested, having a Flipboard share button helped her get dramatically more page views than she normally gets. You will be able to get a sharing button by going to

Janette Speyer reached 100,000 Flipboard followers by following these strategies:

Engage with people on Flipboard. This social media site is not a numbers game. At Flipboard you engage by commenting, liking, and reflipping other users ("flippers") articles.

Find users to follow by going to #FlipboardFriday on Twitter.

You can also find users to follow by going to #MagMakers on Twitter.

Write articles that Flipboard users are interested in reading. You will know this by checking your analytics.

#Bloggers can increase traffic with Flipboard #TrafficGen

Clicking the icon will take you to your analytics.

#Bloggers can increase traffic with Flipboard #TrafficGen

Looking at my analytics, it is clear users like my technology posts since they are on my most viewed posts list.


The anecdotal evidence offered proves it is possible to get massive blog traffic from To this day, it is my second highest referrer of blog traffic from any social media site.

By following the strategies explained in this post, you, too, can get oceans of blog traffic coming over from Flipboard.

The writer of Testimonial #1 increased her blog traffic from 200 page views a day to over 2,000. The others report receiving thousands of page views from Flipboard.

Now that you know how to use the site and the strategies for increasing blog traffic, you can too.

So, what are you waiting for? Go make an account.

Readers, please share, so others not aware of Flipboard's potential for increasing blog traffic rush to promote at the site today.

What are your experiences with Flipboard? Have you ever had a post go viral there? I look forward to reading about your experiences in the comment section.

Related posts detailing how I used Flipboard to increase blog traffic:

How to Easily Get 13,126 Page Views to Your Blog in a Month

This Will Make You See 842 Page Views in 1 Day

This Is How to See 621 People at Your Blog in 1 Day

How To Use Flipboard For Blog Traffic


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